The Hōhepa Foundation
The Hōhepa Foundation was established as a Charitable Trust in 1990 by parents and the Hōhepa Homes Trust Board to provide additional support for Hōhepa. The Foundation also provides a way investment for individual trust funds of a resident can be managed on their behalf through the Foundation’s subsidiary, Hōhepa Trustees Limited.
The Foundation was registered as a Charitable Entity under the Charities Act 2005 and maintains a number of separate funds, both for the purposes of Hōhepa and individual regions. Larger donations can be made to a region or to Hōhepa, in general, to support development, through the Foundation.
In addition, through its subsidiary, Hōhepa Trustees Limited, it provides a special facility to establish trusts for individual residents. Information on how to set up a resident trust, make a donation or leave a bequest is detailed in the Hohepa Foundation Families’ Handbook on the How to Support Hohepa page.
The Board of the Foundation is made up of up to five Foundation Trustees appointed as follows:
- A nominee appointed by the Hohepa Hawke’s Bay Families’ Association – currently John Duncan
- A nominee appointed by the Hohepa Wellington Families’ Association – currently Greg O’Connor
- A nominee appointed by the Hohepa Canterbury Parents’ & Guardians’ Association – currently John Sutherland
- A nominee appointed by the Hohepa Auckland Families’ Association – currently Ed Eadie
- One additional person appointed by the Foundation Trustees from time to time by resolution approved by no less than three of the four Families’ Association nominee Trustees – currently Mark Houghton who is also the current Chair
The Trust Deed allows the appointment by Regional Boards of Advisory Trustees in their region.